17th Container of Donations Goes to Ukraine Thanks to Our Community

We did it!! This weekend we packed the 159th container of donations to be sent from our incredible partners’ Physionet HQ including all of your donations which are now on their way to Ukraine to help all those in desperate need of beds, wheelchairs, medical equipment, walking sticks, crutches, cots, zimmers, mattresses and SO much more to regain comfort, independence and confidence.

The waste when it comes to mobility aids (and in fact medical equipment full stop) in the UK is heartbreaking, with so many items unable to be reused due to health and safety regs - we have taken matters into our own hands and are on a mission to make sure if ANYONE has ANY equipment they no longer need or want, they can send it to us to refurbish the bits that might be broken, recycle the bits that aren’t fixable and redistribute them to people and communities in desperate need.


This video is from Saturday when our Co Founder Amelia took her young family to help load the container.

A few things you absolutely need to know about how this partnership works:

  • Each time a container is sent it costs £5k for the physical transport which often if it’s going to a charity or hospital will be funded by the recipients but when it’s going to a war zone like Ukraine, the funds are raised by donations. Saturday was entirely funded by one woman - Val Kaye who raised it all single handedly by doing a 22m sponsored walk. Val is pictured at the end of the video above - she’s incredible and we are all so grateful to her!! 
  • Every single person involved in this initiative is a volunteer.
  • The team at Physionet collect & refurbish every single donation and will always ensure relevant manuals are sent with the equipment as well as videos explaining how to use each piece.
  • Most importantly no donation is a wasted donation, if you have anything at all lurking in a cupboard or hospital / care unit that is no longer wanted PLEASE do send us anything you may have - more info available via https://www.coolcrutches.com/pages/positive-impact-how-you-can-help

This month marks a year since we partnered with Physionet & what better way to celebrate than packing the biggest shipment to date and the 17th one to Ukraine too.

To find out more about how you can help please visit https://www.coolcrutches.com/pages/positive-impact-how-you-can-help if you have larger donations e.g. beds, wheelchairs, commodes, shower chairs, mobility scooters etc. please do get in touch with Physionet directly.

If you would like to make a donation to support the next shipment to Ukraine, you can do so via DONATE NOW.

If you'd like to read more about our partnership with Physionet why not check out:

One Year On - Our First Anniversary with Physionet Supplying Donated Mobility Aids Overseas

Crutches for Kindness - Donate to Support Amputees in Gaza


Comfortable Crutches

Comfortable Crutches

Reliable Walking Sticks

Reliable Walking Sticks

Ergonomic Accessories

Ergonomic Accessories

Design your own walking aids
