Strength Beyond Limits: Powerhouse Bec Inspiring Women with Disabilities

Say hello to our incredible customer and female powerhouse Rebecca Vizi. This wonder woman juggles living life with FND being a Para Powerlifting athlete, gorgeous model and fitness class instructor. Alongside all this, she's on a mission to inspire women with disabilities every single day to chase their dreams and never throw in the towel!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

To always find things to be grateful for...

We love that! Now can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m Rebecca Vizi, also known as @Pinkspirationbec. I’m a disabled athlete and model with a goal to inspire women to never give up! I love going to the gym and training in bodybuilding. Over the past year, I've dedicated myself to improving my bench press, which, through a lot of hard work and perseverance, has increased from 30kg to 42.5kg!

When I’m not training myself, I love to teach others, so I became a Zumba Gold instructor because it’s important to me that everyone has access to fitness, no matter what their abilities are.

How does living with a disability affect your daily life?

I have been disabled for 5 years but got diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder 3 years ago. Alongside this, I also suffer from chronic hip pain from two labral tear hip repairs, and swelling in my knees & ankles, which impacts my mobility.

Mentally, this can be quite challenging as I often feel isolated from my community. I’m unable to access many of the activities I once enjoyed, so I'm always seeking more support to try and help improve my situation and my feeling of isolation.

How do you improve your mental health when living with a disability?

I've discovered the magic in doing things I’ve always loved doing that I can still do now as well as exploring new things that I’ve never tried before. A couple of my current favs are:

  • Zumba classes, both in the local community and big Zumba events with other Zumba lovers where everyone is included and having fun.
  • The gym, where I can train and remind myself of how strong I am!

I've also started modelling and have spoken at several public events both of which have significantly enhanced my confidence and mental wellbeing.

What is your biggest struggle living with your disability?

Definitely a lack of support.

So, do you feel support from the society for those living with a disability could be better?

I definitely feel it could be better. There needs to be more inclusion and support so we can help each other live the best life possible.

What advice would you give to someone facing a life changing diagnosis or injury?

To stand up for your health rights! Also to go and find things that you CAN do and enjoy them.

How do you stay so motivated?

I LOVE inspiring others!! We all deserve to enjoy life. We deserve to be included, supported, and to have fun. I want to help others reach their goals as well as reach my own. We are all strong and should never give up!

If you could change one thing to improve the lives of disabled people, what would it be?

I would change the way people that don’t live with a disability see those of us that do. I wish everyone knew how strong we are and how great our lives can be!

What is disability pride and what does it mean to you?

Disability pride is designed to celebrate all disabilities and bring awareness to what it is like to live with a long-term illness or injury. I love that no matter your superpowers or mobility gadgets, you are welcomed, you are included, you are celebrated, and you are loved!

When did you start using your Cool Crutches stick, and how has it helped you? 

I started using Cool Crutches this year. I absolutely LOVE my pink glitter walking stick. It helps with my general mobility and I walk so much better now. This also means I can enjoy some very special family time with my niece & nephews. Plus, I get to use my walking stick when I'm standing on the stage at bodybuilding competitions and I LOVE to take it along with me to photoshoots.

If you could describe Cool Crutches in 3 words what would they be?


How do businesses like Cool Crutches help the disabled community?

It helps to bring more awareness to people using mobility aids. It also shows the world that we can have beautiful, fabulous accessories too.

What would your dream day out be?

I’d be in Fiji with one of my closest friends (I used to go all the time!) We’d spend the day chatting in Fijian, relaxing, drinking cocktails, enjoying the food, and finish it off with a nice massage.

Is there anything in the pipeline you're excited about?

Next year I’m really excited to be taking part in a Fitness Muscle Glamour event with glitter, glamour, and my pink walking stick! I am also training for the 2032 Paralympics being held in Australia, so watch this space!

If you loved reading about Bec the powerhouse, then we think you'll enjoy hearing the stories of these amazing people too:

Navigating University with Resilience: Jo's Journey as a Disabled Uni Student 

Noah's Journey : From Tragedy to Triumph

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shop the collection

Pink Glitter Walking Stick

£124.99 inc. VAT

Pink Walking Stick

£69.99 inc. VAT
Comfortable Crutches

Comfortable Crutches

Reliable Walking Sticks

Reliable Walking Sticks

Ergonomic Accessories

Ergonomic Accessories

Design your own walking aids
